I suppose it is now time to make a reappearance! I have missed blogging and seeing what my bloggy friends are doing.The temperatures are quite a bit lower in Brazil now, so it is a little easier to sit at a computer without getting upset at the mosquitos that hide under my desk and worried that sitting on a cushioned chair in a damp swimsuit will ruin the fabric, or that sweat will damage the keyboard... It has been a very hot summer and although I like the heat, it has been very draining this year! This picture shows the temperature .... 42°C!!!
Autumn is coming for us and it is a very nice season here, it tends to be drier and the temperatures are much more amenable!
This year I have a lot to look forward to, first of all, various family members will be coming out to Brazil to visit, my cousin and her family, then a month later, my uncle and his wife and maybe my sister will be able to make it from Portugal too! My eldest son will be taking his entrance exams to university too, which I am sure will be a great excitement!! I just hope he does his part.

I continue my quest to earn more money to tide us over and pay some of the loans off - oh, to be free of banks and credit cards!!! Also hoping that we can find a little more daily 'joie de vivre', kind of difficult when in the midst of the rat race. I really want to get back to sailing more often - at least we have had two weekends at the club and sailed! We didn't do too well because we lost our main sail fasteners during the storm that hit us on the first regatta, then we sailed on a friend´s boat the next day, which was great - the following weekend we had fixed the sail, but the outboard motor gave up on us halfway to the starting line, so we didn't get there in time to start... rather disappointing competition wise, but great sailing all the same.
Sailing is uphill sometimes!!
But we get beautiful views...
Captain, my captain!